7 Christmas Gifts For A Friend Who Is Suffering From Depression [That’ll bring back Smile on her face]

3 min readNov 20, 2020

If it seems like choosing the perfect Christmas gift to a friend who is suffering from depression that is a difficult task, you are not alone.

Here is the deal:

Coping with depression requires a lot of inner and outer work. It takes a lot of effort and hard work to cope with depression but sometimes, a small and a meaningful item gifted to a friend can help her bring a bright spot on a bad day!

The question is:

What Christmas present to give to your bff that feels gloomy?

In this article, you will get to know about seven Christmas gifts you can gift to a friend of yours who is suffering from depression. Let’s get you started!

1. Weighted blanket

Weighted blanket is considered as one of the best ways to relieve anxiety, restlessness and sleeplessness. They are also known to help with stress and depression. You can get these blankets online.

These blankets are a bit heavy, they weigh around ten pounds. When you take it, it feels like someone is giving you a hug or a massage.

Sometimes, it actually feels as if a pet is sleeping on you. The blanket gives a comfy vibe and helps you have a good night sleep!

Our favorite pick is:

2. Recovery diary

When a person is suffering from depression, cognitive functioning and thought process is damaged. You are unable to think straight and tell the other person how exactly you are feeling.

Recovery diary can be as amazing gift for a friend who is suffering from depression.

Your friend can use it to write her everyday thoughts and feelings which is going to help her cope with depression.

Above all, She can also note down her goals, moods and everyday notes which will help her keep a track of how she’s doing on her journey to happy life!

3. Scented candle

Scented candles are known to relax your mind and calm you down and that’s all you need when you are suffering from depression.

Most importantly:

Scented candles can be one of the best gifts you can give to a friend who is suffering from depression. Whatever scent she likes, you can gift her and let her have a calm, relaxing day!

Top Christmas Gift for Friends in 2020.

4. Salt candle holder

Whenever you see a salt candle holder, it gives a classy as well as relaxing vibe with a little flame flickering on it. It can be one of the best gifts you can give to a friend who is suffering from depression!

5. Lamp

Many psychologists and psychiatrists suggest that a lamp can mimic the sun which ultimately helps in coping up with depression. What better gift you can give than this which is already suggested by a professional doctor?

6. Therapy box

These happiness, self-care, mental health themed box are a good way to cope with depression. These boxes can boost your happiness and joy with items included, such as candles, happiness challenges and much more!

7. Magnesium drink

Magnesium supplement is known to reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Give your friend a box of magnesium supplement and see what it does!

This’s the case:

Depression is a major disease. Your small efforts such as gifting one of these things can help your friend cope up with this disease.

Make sure that whenever you decide to gift something to your friend, choose one of the things mentioned above and you’re good to go!

What Gift ideas would you choose from the list above? Comment in the box bellow.

Christmas Gifts For A Friend

